
Wednesday 6 September 2023

Way to get smarter

Hello People! Digital communication is getting smarter than ever. Let’s see!

Now, you can actually substitute your digital signals with something easier, that only you and your group can figure out.

Infographic explained: This is a great hack for companies, because such signals don’t get ripped apart at network level.

Green IT can offer lots of smart solutions. Check this image out.
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner to strategize the product.

The company and the partner exchanged messages most of the time. The company encrypted the messages. 

The partner was sure of the safety of these messages. End of story, people. I’ll see you next year. So,

Cool IT

Hello People! Did you know that you can do cooler stuff with fewer resources? Let’s see more!

Imagine this, you can hide your digital signals, and protect your work on your computer. 

Infographic explained: Companies actually save money. No sophisticated software really required!

Green IT is actually cool. Check this image out.
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner who was actively involved.

The partners sent messages from their laptops all the time. The company encrypted their messages. 

The partner thought it was cool to find the original message. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 
G’Bye ,

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Digital and Special

Hello People! Did you know that “digital” brings a bunch of opportunities! Let’s see!

This is only if you’re in the digital world: You can actually hide your signals and keep them secret.
Infographic explained: You are in fact raising a whole corporate environment that values privacy, through “digital”.

That’s not the only thing, there’s more. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner for this product. 

The partners communicated a lot about this product. But, the company encrypted all the messages.

Because it was easy, the partner could read the original message quickly. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 

Monday 4 September 2023

Piece o’ Digital Cake

Hello People! Is working with “digital” as easy as it sounds? Let’s see. 

You can keep digital signals hidden behind something that doesn’t give them away.

Infographic explained: Nobody is snooping after your business plans, so your growth remains safe.

“Digital” makes business easier. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a new partner who was getting to know the company.

The partners exchanged minimal, easy messaging. The company just encrypted the messages.

This kept everything top secret, with ease. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 

Sunday 3 September 2023

IoT wins

Hello People! It’s important to function with a secure IoT network, because you never know when you can be attacked. Let’s see more. 

If you have an IoT that is secure every bit and in every place, then that’s a huge win. That’s what success looks like.

Infographic explained: Showing your people how they fit into the whole network is key to getting there. And that’s not costly.

Your IoT looks a certain way. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, they were looking to secure their IoT. The company had a partner.

They decided to include the partner’s devices in their plan. The company encrypted their messages to the partner.

The partner now knew how to quickly read the message. End of story, people. I’ll see you next month. So, 

IoT Success

Hello People! Did you know that even things like smart toys can get hacked? Its alarming. Anyway, let’s see this.

There’s a way to hide your device’s actual digital signals and still get them to work.

Infographic explained: There are easier ways out there. That way, the act of setting it up won’t cost much. 

Your IoT gets better with security. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. This company had a partner for the product.

The partners communicated in light, easy messages. The company always encrypted the messages.

The partner could easily get to the original message. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 

Tuesday 29 August 2023

AI Activity

Hello People! How does AI know everything? Curious? Let’s see.

AI just sees what you do at a high level and stores it. It is basically gathers and stores information.

Infographic explained: The only costs involved are those of setting up something that shows you everything you do.

AI activities are a whole range. Check this image out.
At a company with its own production site, they were looking to make things easier using AI. The company had a partner.

The partners exchanged messages which were easy and minimal, most of the time. The company got an AI tool.

The tool always reminded them to encrypt their messages. End of story, people. I’ll see you next month. So,

Monday 28 August 2023

What’s AI’s job?

Hello People! They say AI’s really futuristic and cutting edge. Yes, part of it is true. Let’s see!

What does AI do? It collects, sorts, calculates, and interacts. That’s quite a lot.

Infographic explained: Think of costs like missed deadlines and penalties. AI can tell you beforehand, so you can avoid those costs.

AI can calculate, and send notifications quickly. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner for this product.

The company sent frequent messages to the partner and vice versa. They also had to encrypt the messages to this partner.

AI calculated the time between the messages and set up reminders for the next one. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



Friday 25 August 2023

Business Beliefs

Hello People! Is culture and a brand easy to take care of? Let’s see!

Caring for your company culture is like knitting. What people ‘do’ gets embedded into a pattern.

Infographic explained: If a thing that is done produces positives as a result, then companies will keep doing it. That’s why culture conscious companies gain more.

There are things which reinforce positive effects. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, they wanted to check people’s belief in the brand. The company had a business partner.

They decided to start with their partner. They asked the partner to point out one thing they liked about the company.

The partner’s favorite was the kind of encryption they used on their messages to the partner. End of story, people. I’ll see you next month. So,

Easier Access

Hello People! Is being able to connect to a business anytime and from anywhere an overkill? You think so? Let’s find out.

If your business is able to provide a unique thing to people, no matter how little, it is for that unique thing, people would definitely come to the business. 

Infographic explained: The little things don’t even cost much, in comparison to what you gain if people keep coming over.

There are things which take care of the uniqueness. Check this image out. 
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner who had an active interest in the product. 

The company needed to send over messages to the partner. They encrypted the messages in a certain way.

The partner knew this unique method and looked forward to getting the messages. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 

Monday 21 August 2023

Light Automation

Hello People! Does everyone want all the automatic features on, all the time? Don't they? Let’s find out.

Intense automation means quick moves. But that can also mean you end up doing things you really don’t want to that time.

Infographic explained: When you don’t heavily automate your work, it means you aren’t doing too much at a time. Can really take the monetary burden off.

Almost anything can be automated. Check this image out. 

At a company with its own production site, they wanted to reduce their automation load. They had a partner who used automatic devices as well.

The partners encouraged each other to reduce unwanted automatic actions. The company encrypted all their messages to the partner, such that only the partner was aware of the encryption.

They got them some time to get the content context before any action. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Automate Safely

Hello People! Can you think of innovating with your favorite virtual assistant? Yes, it’s possible! Let’s see that!

You can choose to send messages to automating devices which no one else can understand. Takes a bit of tinkering on your own.

Infographic explained: You can then reduce the amount you put into your automation. Such private messaging doesn’t require much.

There are several benefits of automation done safely. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company had a partner with whom data was shared.

The partners came up with a shared secret way of altering message content. The company encrypted the messages this way and sent them over to the partner’s device.

The partner didn’t have to bother with anyone snooping. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



Tuesday 15 August 2023

Blockchain Benefits

Hello People! Companies wonder if what they do with a blockchain can remain private. The answer? Let’s read on!

The good news is you can make your blockchain as safe as you want it to be! Privacy can be highly customized according to use.

Infographic explained: People wonder if safe data costs a lot. Actually with a blockchain, if you choose right, you can save a lot.

There are different kinds of blockchains. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, on chain messaging was being thought of. The company had a partner with whom data was shared.

The partners came up with a secret key offline and off chain. Then, the company encrypted the data and sent it over.

The partner could quickly interpret the original message at a lower cost than usual. End of story, people. I’ll see you next month. So,



Sunday 13 August 2023

Block and Talk

Hello People! Have you used any decentralized messengers yet? Anyway, let’s see more of them!

Blockchain messaging happens device to device. So the other person always knows it’s you when they see the message.

Infographic explained: Savings are definitely there to stay. Use a simple blockchain with minimalistic secret messaging, and you’ll save on it.

Blockchains are great for messages, no doubt. Check this image out. 

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company’s partner was helping out with this product.

The partners together decided on a secret key. The messages between them were encrypted and sent with this key.

The messages for the product were sent without anyone else knowing. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,

Friday 11 August 2023

Trust and IT

Hello People! Companies wonder if digital is really trustworthy. What with everything that’s happening, it’s no surprise. Let’s see an answer!

Green IT is what inspires trust digitally. Its focus is on being resourceful rather than depending on resources.
Infographic explained: Green IT shifts the attention from a complicated machine pool to human relations. So costs fall naturally rather than artificially. 

Green IT has a big benefit of helping people bond. Check this image out. 

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production.
Production staff created a lot of data about the product. 

The company had a partner with respect to this product who needed data. They secured this data non electronically and shared it with the partner.

Helping the partner decode this data created a bond of trust between the companies. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon with another one. So, 

Thursday 10 August 2023

Creative IT

Hello People! Green IT is a trend that’s quickly becoming a big thing. With scarce resources, but naturally. Let’s see more!

What is Green IT? It’s all about doing away with all unnecessary costs. And conserving more.

Infographic explained: Think of unnecessary things like browsing the internet for longer than necessary while at work. All that, cut off.

There’s a ton of benefits associated. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company was looking to kept resources at a minimum.

There was a partner who worked on the product, and needed data. The company came up with its own key for encryption without using a computer.

That way, they saved a bit on electricity. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



Monday 7 August 2023

IoT Care

Hello People! Every company today has at least three devices on the Internet. Cause for concern? Let’s see.

You don’t want your data to be taken and used by some other company, do you? That's why IoT needs a bit of care.

Infographic explained: When your data is uncompromised, you gain the best out of it. Compared to the care, the benefits are greater.

More devices are being needed by companies. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, messages were sent often on devices. That’s when they decided to look into their IoT.

Every device and every message sent were matched. Also, each message was encrypted for each device.

That’s  how the company kept their data, their own. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon with another one. So,

