
Friday 4 August 2023

Digital is Best!

Hello People! Ninety nine per cent of the companies worldwide are going digital. Meaning they adopt digital means for all major things. Why do they do that? Let’s look at it!

Say your company wants to create a local presence. Or win a global deal. Or both. Going digital can help you do that very easily.

Infographic explained: Think of traditional costs involved in winning clients. Like flight tickets or international call bills. Going digital cuts those costs.

Going digital helps you to focus on your products like never before. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company wanted to expand its local customer base. There were a few businesses abroad who could be interested in this product. 

The company decided to go digital on this task. They decided to use the speed and the ability to jump time zones that digital tools offered. 

They were successful because at least two global companies decided they wanted this product. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon next month! So,

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