
Friday 4 August 2023

IoT Strategy

Hello People! The companies who use IoT ask two questions before coming up with a strategy. Yes, two. Let’s read on!

A strategy that works has to tie IoT nicely in with the work the company is doing. The two questions to be asked are: “why IoT?” and “when?”.

Infographic explained: When IoT pulls all your devices and equipment together and makes them work, you produce and sell more. Hence the increased income.

IoT can be intensively used in a manufacturing setup. Check this image out.
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The staff already used a financial tool which told them how much they needed to make in a day to make a profit.

The company used IoT to connect this data to their devices at the production site so that the controls were set according to the profit calculations.

The devices worked to the best capacity and produced enough product to make a profit. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,

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