
Friday 4 August 2023

A united Digital Front

Hello People! Companies just using digital tech face this question: Will it work? How do you make this time easier for yourself? Let’s find out!

When giving your company a sense of direction when dealing with digital means, you should start by laying out a message about what your company wants to do with this new tech.

Infographic explained: The simpler and clearer the message, the easier it is for people to find a base about what they should be doing at work. This new direction is easier to deal with.

Dealing with newfound tech takes time and effort. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. They were not yet open to the market. However, the company wanted to use digital means to do their work with. 

The chief of staff used a small two word message that they crafted especially for this purpose: to lead people to the technology. As the staff understood the key, it was way easier than ever.

The day of opening was not harrowing in any way. That was the success  of the chief of staff’s leadership. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,

Working with IoT

Hello People! Companies think IoT raises costs. But it’s just the opposite. IoT does have some costs, but not as high as people think. Let’s see more!

To work with IoT, you need to first think of all the places your data lies, and how the internet can bring everything together. Data integration is a must, and is one of the best benefits of IoT.

Infographic explained: IoT reduces overall costs. The only costs associated are fixing up everything. After that, you get a hold over monitoring and costs come down.

IoT has lots of use in production. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The production staff created a lot of data about the product while in production. 

The company decided they didn’t want to continue using ten different apps to access the data. They used IoT to connect the data into one dashboard that staff around the company could easily access. 

Did that help! The app usage cost a lot and was significantly brought down because now IoT helped them see and connect data they wanted. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



IoT Strategy

Hello People! The companies who use IoT ask two questions before coming up with a strategy. Yes, two. Let’s read on!

A strategy that works has to tie IoT nicely in with the work the company is doing. The two questions to be asked are: “why IoT?” and “when?”.

Infographic explained: When IoT pulls all your devices and equipment together and makes them work, you produce and sell more. Hence the increased income.

IoT can be intensively used in a manufacturing setup. Check this image out.
At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The staff already used a financial tool which told them how much they needed to make in a day to make a profit.

The company used IoT to connect this data to their devices at the production site so that the controls were set according to the profit calculations.

The devices worked to the best capacity and produced enough product to make a profit. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,

Digital is Best!

Hello People! Ninety nine per cent of the companies worldwide are going digital. Meaning they adopt digital means for all major things. Why do they do that? Let’s look at it!

Say your company wants to create a local presence. Or win a global deal. Or both. Going digital can help you do that very easily.

Infographic explained: Think of traditional costs involved in winning clients. Like flight tickets or international call bills. Going digital cuts those costs.

Going digital helps you to focus on your products like never before. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The company wanted to expand its local customer base. There were a few businesses abroad who could be interested in this product. 

The company decided to go digital on this task. They decided to use the speed and the ability to jump time zones that digital tools offered. 

They were successful because at least two global companies decided they wanted this product. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon next month! So,

Go Digital!

Hello People! You hear this everyday: Digital is the way to go. And that’s so true. Let’s see why.

Meeting face to face has its own benefits, not denying it. But digital means let you do that in a fraction of the time. And with the security of trust.

Infographic explained: You have more time at hand, so you can contact many customers at the same time. Digital means let you build trust, so these customers are a win.

There are more benefits. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, opening plans were going on. The company wanted to open soon with its winning product. While in production, staff created a lot of data about this product. 

The company took and cleaned that data, selected minimum out of it to introduce the product. They encrypted this as a message and sent it to the HR contacts of local businesses. The contacts read this message and were introduced to the company in seconds.

The local businesses ended up buying the product for their staff. That’s what Digital can do for you. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon with another one. So,



The AI Edge

Hello People! Tell you what, use AI for the flimsiest purpose, and you could end up getting wrong answers. But use it right, and you get more than what you deserve! Interesting, isn’t it!

The key to success with AI is knowing what data you already have and what purpose you are going to use AI for, with that data. The better you know this, the better your AI experience will be.

Infographic explained: The clearer you are with your AI tool, the less energy and money you need to invest in getting the right answers out of it. That means you invest little, but get a lot done.

AI can be put to a lot of uses, and there’s a lot you can get done. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. This was a new product. Production staff created a lot of data about the product while in production. 

The company decided to invest in AI to get insights out of this data. They looked at the data, and that helped them understand the context to frame the right question. 

That’s very important when working with AI. Framing the right question early on can reduce what you put into your AI efforts. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So, 



Gain with AI

Hello People! Can AI predict the future? It all depends on what you want to predict. Let’s solve this puzzle!

AI may not be ready to see the future yet, but when trained on the correct data, AI does produce results. AI picks up on the minutest of details pretty quickly.

Infographic explained: AI can predict business problems pretty easily with the right data at hand. This saves you a lot of effort and money that could be wasted. 

AI comes in different forms. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. Production staff created a lot of data about the product while in production.

An AI tool was employed to predict how much income had to be generated to keep the business afloat. The data created was used to train the tool. 

Based on the resources used, the tool successfully predicted how much money the company should be making to stay in the black. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



Blockchains and Savings

Hello People! Crypto currencies are making waves, and so is blockchain technology. However, that’s not the only use for blockchain. There’s more!

A single blockchain stands for at least one use. That’s transacting in crypto, or for anything else you imagine. When you have a blockchain for a purpose, you don’t need a second tool for that.

Infographic explained: When you use a blockchain, your only costs depend on how difficult or easy it is. Choose one that’s simpler, and you could save a whole lot.

Here’s why you should be using a blockchain, if you are considering it. Check this image out.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. The main control for while in production was chosen by the production staff. 

All production data was calculated as per this main control. This data was fed into a blockchain and each day’s data was signed against by chief of production using a private key.

The company needed no dashboard for reporting. This simple blockchain served as one for the whole company. You can see the chance to save here. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon. So,



Simple, easy Blockchains

Hello People! Did you know that not every blockchain ends up costing you heavily? Yes, it is possible to have your own little blockchain without spending a fortune. Let’s see this!

A blockchain’s cost of maintenance increases as per the number of blocks you add and how difficult it is to add each one of them. This is the reason blockchain tech is infamous for it’s high costs.

Infographic explained: A heavy blockchain consumes resources because you have to add blocks to it. Without that, it would not be functional. The lighter and simple and easy to handle your blockchain is, it would not cost you that much.

Here’s why you can start a blockchain for your company. Check out this image.

At a company with its own production site, a product was in production. Production staff created a lot of data while in production. Also, the company had customers, there were local businesses who needed that product.

The company created it’s own little, easy blockchain. They took the most vital data from the one created by production staff, displayed it to improve visibility for every order, had each customer digitally sign against their applicable data.

This meant that the blockchain was lightweight but high on transparency for each business in the supply chain. And without costing much. End of story, people. I’ll see you soon! So,

